This course is designed to acquaint users with the problems and solutions for high accuracy transfer of liquid and gas petroleum products from supplier to customer. These needs have been brought about by major changes in manufacturing processes and because of several dramatic circumstantial changes such as: the increase in the cost of fuel and raw materials; the need to minimize pollution; and the increasing pressures being brought to bear to adhere to the requirements for health and safety.
This workshop is specifically tailored for any personnel who are, or will be, responsible for designing, selecting, sizing, specifying, installing, testing, operating, and maintaining instrumentation related to the field of custody level and flow transfer measurement. This could include facilities, process, chemical, electrical, instrumentation, maintenance, and mechanical engineers and technicians.
Recall the basics of fluid mechanics
Identify the fundamental problems related to uncertainty
Compare the different methods of measuring flow in the oil and gas industries
Describe the various methods of level measurement
Compare the different methods used to derive strapping tables
Evaluate the different custody transfer standards in use today
Contrast the methods used in flow calibration
Identify the different types of prover systems
Explain the methodology used in truck custody transfer
Examine the challenges regarding pipelines
Describe the basics of leak detection
Analyze the methodology for monitoring and controlling production losses
Evaluate and compare the problems and solutions associated with the measurement of NGL, LPG, and LNG